The center of gravity is a geometric property of any object.The center of gravity is the average location of the weightof an object. We can completely describe themotionof any object through space in terms of the translation ofthe center of gravity of the object from one place to another, andthe rotation of the object about its center of gravity if itis free to rotate. If the object is confined to rotate about someother point, like a hinge, we can still describe its motion.In flight, bothairplanesandrocketsrotate about their centers of gravity.A kite, on the other hand, rotates about thebridle point.But thetrimof a kite still depends on the location of thecenter of gravityrelative to the bridle point, because for every object the weight always acts through thecenter of gravity.
- Z Location Of Center Of Gravity In Space
- Z Location Of Center Of Gravity Level
- Z Location Of Center Of Gravity
In the human body, the center of gravity is somewhere around the second sacral vertebra. In your car, it is usually somewhere just ahead of the center point of your car. Why Does This Matter When Driving? Your vehicle's center of gravity comes into play most often when the car is making a turn. The center of gravity is the location of the equivalent force representing the total weight of a body comprised of particles that each have a mass gravity acts upon. Resultant force: Over a body of constant thickness in x and y W n i F z W i 1 W dW Location: x, y is the equivalent location of the force W from all W.
Determining the center of gravity is very importantfor any flying object.How do engineers determine the location of the center ofgravity for an aircraft which they are designing?
In general, determining the center of gravity (cg) is a complicatedprocedure because the mass (and weight) may not be uniformly distributedthroughout the object. The general case requires the use of calculuswhich we will discuss at the bottom of this page.If the mass is uniformly distributed, the problem is greatly simplified.If the object has a line (or plane) of symmetry, the cg lieson the line of symmetry.For asolid block of uniform material, the center of gravity is simplyat the average location of the physical dimensions. (For a rectangular block, 50 X 20 X 10,the center of gravity is at the point (25,10, 5) ).For a triangle of height h, the cg is at h/3, and for a semi-circle of radiusr, the cg is at (4*r/(3*pi)) where pi is ratio of the circumference of thecircle to the diameter. There are tables of the location of the center of gravityfor many simple shapes in math and science books. The tables were generatedby using the equation from calculus shown on the slide.
For a general shaped object, there is a simple mechanical way todetermine the center of gravity:
- If we just balance the object using a string or an edge, the point at which the object is balanced is the center of gravity. (Just like balancing a pencil on your finger!)
- Another, more complicated way, is a two step method shown on the slide. In Step 1, you hang the object from any point and you drop a weighted string from the same point. Draw a line on the object along the string. For Step 2, repeat the procedure from another point on the object You now have two lines drawn on the object which intersect. The center of gravity is the point where the lines intersect. This procedure works well for irregularly shaped objects that are hard to balance.
If the mass of the object is not uniformly distributed, we must use calculusto determine center of gravity.We will use the symbol S dw to denote the integration of a continuousfunction with respect to weight. Then the center of gravity can be determined from:
cg * W = S x dw
where x is the distance from a reference line, dw is anincrement of weight, andW is the total weight of the object. To evaluate the right side, we have to determine how the weight variesgeometrically. From the weight equation, we know that:
w = m * g
where m is the mass of the object, and g is the gravitationalconstant. In turn, the mass m of any object is equal to the density, rho,of the object times the volume, V:
m = rho * V
We can combine the last two equations:
w = g * rho * V
dw = g * rho * dV
dw = g * rho(x,y,z) * dx dy dz
If we have a functional form for the mass distribution, we can solve theequation for the center of gravity:
cg * W = g * SSS x * rho(x,y,z) dx dy dz
where SSS indicates a triple integral over dx. dy. and dz.If we don't know the functional form of the mass distribution,we can numerically integrate the equation using a spreadsheet.Divide the distance into a number of small volume segments anddetermining the average value of the weight/volume (density times gravity) overthat small segment. Taking the sum of the average value of the weight/volumetimes the distance times the volume segmentdivided by the weight will produce the center of gravity.
You can view a shortmovieof 'Orville and Wilbur Wright' explaining how the center of gravityaffected the flight of their aircraft. The movie file canbe saved to your computer and viewed as a Podcast on your podcast player.
Activities:Guided Tours
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Z Location Of Center Of Gravity In Space
If the mass of the object is not uniformly distributed, we must use calculusto determine center of gravity.We will use the symbol S dw to denote the integration of a continuousfunction with respect to weight. Then the center of gravity can be determined from:
cg * W = S x dw
where x is the distance from a reference line, dw is anincrement of weight, andW is the total weight of the object. To evaluate the right side, we have to determine how the weight variesgeometrically. From the weight equation, we know that:
w = m * g
where m is the mass of the object, and g is the gravitationalconstant. In turn, the mass m of any object is equal to the density, rho,of the object times the volume, V:
m = rho * V
We can combine the last two equations:
w = g * rho * V
dw = g * rho * dV
dw = g * rho(x,y,z) * dx dy dz
If we have a functional form for the mass distribution, we can solve theequation for the center of gravity:
cg * W = g * SSS x * rho(x,y,z) dx dy dz
where SSS indicates a triple integral over dx. dy. and dz.If we don't know the functional form of the mass distribution,we can numerically integrate the equation using a spreadsheet.Divide the distance into a number of small volume segments anddetermining the average value of the weight/volume (density times gravity) overthat small segment. Taking the sum of the average value of the weight/volumetimes the distance times the volume segmentdivided by the weight will produce the center of gravity.
You can view a shortmovieof 'Orville and Wilbur Wright' explaining how the center of gravityaffected the flight of their aircraft. The movie file canbe saved to your computer and viewed as a Podcast on your podcast player.
Activities:Guided Tours
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